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Readme File 19/08/2010


HPW Full Campaign Damage Model for OFF BHaH HITR



by Herr Prop Wasche


Zip file contents:


HPWDM2.1\aircraft folder with 477 individual aircraft folders and .xdp files



INSTALLATION: Important! This version of the damage mod is intended to be used only in conjunction with Jonesoft's Generic Mod Enabler and should not be installed UNLESS JSGME has already been installed into your CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields game folder. With JSGME, installation and use of this, or any mod, is very easy. Simply extract the contents of the HPWDM2.1 zip file into the MODS folder which is created when you install JSGME into OFF. The mod is correctly installed if you see the readme.txt and the following folder structure inside the MODS folder: HPWDM2.1\aircraft\Alb_DIII_AC1, etc. To load the mod, simply run JSGME, highlight the mod you wish to use, click on the top button, and then start your game. That's it!


NOTE: This mod may be used in both QC battles AND the main campaign.


Version History




--Fuel tanks are now more resistant to major leaks but are still susceptible to minor leaks and are somewhat more likely to catch fire if substantially damaged.


--Wing and wing-tip hit points adjusted on some aircraft.


--Nose structures now slightly stronger in several early and mid-war aircraft.


--Somewhat higher probability of pilot "hits" for most aircraft.


--On DH5 only, fuel tank hit points now higher for main tank, slightly lower for secondary tank.


--Eliminates the "engine block popping out of the fuselage" effect seen in some aircraft.

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