About This File
Greetings All,
I have gathered together these public domain books for ease of downloading and for the enjoyment of all. This is the fifth of numerous such collections I am making available here.
This download contains the following PDF titles, (I have tagged each file as either BIO or REF so they will be self-sorting when you place them in your "Books" folder):
Biogrophies, Diaries, Personal Writings
"Above The Battles", by C.H.A. Andre, c.1919
"En l'air!", by Bert Hall, c.1918
"Green Balls: The Adventures Of a Night-Bomber", by Paul Bewsher, c.1919
"Letters of an American Airman", by Captain Hamilton Coolidge, C.1919
"The Fledgling", by Charles Bernhard Nordhoff, c.1919
"With the Flying Squadron", by Flight Lieutenant Harold Rosher, c.1916
"Military Aeroplanes" by Grover C. Loening, c.1917
"The Aero Manual", c.1909
"The German Air Force in the Great War", by Georg Paul Neumann, c.1920
"Wings of War", by Theodore Macfarlane Knappen, c.1920