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Swiss campaign, 2011 version V 2b

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About This File

Hi there. This is a complete redo of my old Swiss campaign, which I made in 2003 or 2004. It is now using correct map and planes.


A look to the readme file :


Hello friends !


The old ones probably remember the old Swiss campaign I made on FB back in 2003 (or was it in 2004, I do not remember...).


In those old days, it was necessary to make adaptations, because there was not the correct map, nor the planes available in the game, etc...


But now, thank to the great work this fantastic IL-2 community has made through the years, it became possible to completely redo this campaign. And now, there is in only one thing missing : Swiss "rewards" !!! If someone feels like he was to do them... please feel free to do so !!! but in the meanwhile, I used the French ones (medals, if you prefer). You will have to deal with it !!!


But this time, you will really fly the workhorse of the Swiss Air Force of that era, the ME-109E-3 (we do not say Bf in Switzerland, but ME), and not E-4... and on a much more adapted map, because I used the zip_Alpen_west one (and a huge thank to Zippzapp !!!), which is much more better than the one I used in the past (Smolensk). For the rest, what more can I say ?


Well... first of all, a big thank to all the modders, skinners, maps and planes makers from all over the world. I will not name them, because they are too much, but if they play this campaign, I am sure they will recognize their work. Then, a big thank you to Oled Maddox and all 1:C team, who gave us this fantastic sim which becomes old now, but is still the best one !!! Also, a big thank you to the SAS community (http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php), the place where you can find most of the international IL-2 community, in peace and friendship, and to Checksix (http://www.checksix-forums.com/), home of the French speaking community. You will always be welcome on these 2 places, and if you gently ask for something there, there will always be a friendly guy ready to help you or do what you ask for !!! I know it, because it is what I sometimes do...


Now, how to install :


-download and unzip this package in a temporary folder,

-then, copy-paste the 3 folders you obtain (Missions, PaintSchemes and samples) in the root of your IL-2 game (for example, in C:\games\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946), or anywhere is your IL-2 installed,

-open the English briefings folder, and copy-paste the Missions folder into your game : it will over-write the French briefings to English (well... should do so...),

-launch the game go to campaign mode, search for Switzerland where you will find a campaign called "ME 109 over the Jura (modded)" or "ME 109 sur le Jura (moddée)", depending if your game is in English or not.


Compatibility :


This campaign will work only if you have a UltraPack 3 RC4 (or more) version of the game. The UP3RC4 is available at SAS (http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php). It should also normally work on a DBW install, as Dark Blue World is installed on the UP3, but I did not check it out.


So now... have fun !!!




Thierry Duruz aka Gaston

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