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Cambrai Plane Fest

   (1 review)

About This File

Cambrai France

January 1 1916


The new campaign is now ready to Download as soon as its approved....


This campaign works on FE + Exp pack and FE+Exp+April Patch


The plane sets as follows:



1. Dh2

2. F2B

3. Fe8

4. Pup

5. CamelF1_110

6. Triplane

7. CamelF1_130

8. SE5a

9. CamelF1_150

10. Nieuport11

11. Nieuport17

12. N24

13. N24bis

14. SPAD13

15. N28

16. HalbD3

17. AlbatrosD1

18. AlbatrosD2

19. PfalzD3

20. AlbatrosD3

21. AlbatrosD3OAW

22. AlbatrosD5

23. AlbatrosD5a

24. PfalzD8

25. FokkerD7F

26. Snipe

27. RE8

28. BE2

29. Re8

30. Salmson2A

31. Ca3

32. HP400

33. Walfisch

34. AviatikC2

35. DFWC5

36. AEG_G4

37. Staaken

38. GothaGIV



The are also two additional packs included with the download.


1) The cambrai_targets.ini file to add many extra ground, balloons and AAA nests.


2) A new sound pack for FE planes to add realism for the sound of the game.


As always if there are issues leave me a msg here and I will try and get the problem sorted out.


Enjoy :clapping:

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