About This File
This skin set depicts Albatros D.II of Jasta 9, flown by Vzfw. Erich Kohler from February to May 1917 at Leffincourt. The serial number D.520/16 is somewhat speculative. It is correct within the series delivered at that time, but the specific number is not known. Vzfw Kohler transferred to Idfieg in May 1917. I find no record of him flying again.
The files attached include hangar and loading screens (the latter depicting this aircraft). That image appears to display a darker finish, but this is misleading as the nature of the film used darkens the colors.
Thanks to Gambit168 for making his skin set available as a template, to BortdaFarm for the original model, and to Southside Bucky for advice for improvements. I have included a cockpit adaptation of the Albatross D3 model from the First Eagles Expansion pack. The cockpit mod will not work unless you have the expansion pack. If you do not have the expansion pack yet, you can still use this skin. All you need to do is go into the AlbDII.ini file and modify the lines which now look like this:
To look like this
Alternatively you can download the full cockpit mod from CA.
The FM by Peter01 is intended for use without the April 08 patch.
In addition to the skins, there a sound file which was recorded from a running Mercedes engine. If you prefer the original sound, simply change the lines in the data.ini file which refer to “PropLoopMercedes” to “PropLoop”.
As usual, place the skin folder in the AlbDII folder and select it in the loadout screen to fly the skin.
This skin set is part of a series presented to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work of Peter01 who has given us outstanding flight models for so many other aircraft for First Eagles. Without his work, this model and many others would be just pretty pictures.
September 22, 2008
There are a number of tweaks which have been identified since the first skin in this set was released. Rather than presenting a series of revisions requiring multiple downloads, when all the skins in the series are released, there will be a consolidated update including all improvements.