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Albatros D.V Jasta Boelcke Pack

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About This File

Here's an Albatros D.V Skin pack, Jasta 2 (Boelcke) planes of early 1918

They include;


Alb. D.V 4430/17 of Vzfw. Paul Bäumer

Alb. D.V 4578/17 of Ltn.d.R. Erwin Böhme

Alb. D.V of Ltn.d.R. Karl Gallwitz

Alb. D.V 5373/17 of Ltn.d.R. Wilhelm Papenmeyer

Alb. D.V 1072/17 of Ltn.d.R. Johannes Winrath

A Striped D.V with unknown serial number or pilot

and a Early 1918 Jasta Boelcke stock skin


To keep some historical accuracy, these are for the D.V, not the D.Va


Please enjoy!

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