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Guest pdelbarba

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Guest pdelbarba

I was thinking, why program a request help button in the radio menu that does not even work? Is there any way to fix this without a total overhaul of the game code? Also with the same perameters of the first question, is there any way to alow you to drive the tanks or other ground vehicles? Can you use the 3D model of the tank in an aircraft file and make it too heavy or not have enough lift to fly, but i dont know about the takeoff point 500 miles away from the other set of tanks or trying to start the game with the "near target" option, and for the rotating turret, i gots no clue. That brings me to the next question, it would be TOO easy to just set the turret as an AI gunner, is it posible to controll moveable guns?


I know you are probably now scratching your heads and opening the WOV or SF program file in search of solutions, that or you just think you cant do anything. By the way, how is R&D comeing on the F-117/F-22.

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