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Wanted - Movement ini for Libya terrain

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i'd really like to do some CAS over libya (a fictional invasion circa 1985) in WOV, but there is no movement ini for the routes.


I think I'd like to tidy it up a bit generally, there is a fair amount of AAA sitting about half a mile off shore too! Any tips?

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i'd really like to do some CAS over libya (a fictional invasion circa 1985) in WOV, but there is no movement ini for the routes.


I think I'd like to tidy it up a bit generally, there is a fair amount of AAA sitting about half a mile off shore too! Any tips?


Here is what I offer to you. Open Your_terrain_movement.ini file

It should look something like this


[FrontLine] <------------------------------ This will produce the line of demarcation between the two forces

FriendlyBase=Your Firendly Base Name

EnemyBase=Your Enemy Base Name

Position[001]=427000.000,717000.000 <--- This is where the line begins

Position[002]=397000.000,581500.000 <----Points along the map

Position[003]=458000.000,552000.000 <----Points along the map

Position[004]=461000.000,441000.000 <----Points along the map

Position[005]=418000.000,355500.000 <----Points along the map

Position[006]=421000.000,315000.000 <----Points along the map

Position[007]=539000.000,203500.000 <----Points along the map

Position[008]=447000.000,174500.000 <----Points along the map

Position[009]=436000.000,16500.000 <--- This is where the line ends






StartArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter)

EndArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter)

RoutePosition[001]=138000,808000 <- Where you want the ships to start



RoutePosition[004]=148000,730000 <- Where you want the ships to stop




StartArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter)

EndArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter)

RoutePosition[001]=387000,512000 <- Where you want the ground attacks to start

RoutePosition[002]=505000,512000 <- Where you want the ground attacks to stop




StartArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter)

EndArea=Nearest Freindly or Enemy Base (Really doesnt matter)

RoutePosition[001]=385000,191000 <- Where you want the vehicles to start

RoutePosition[002]=333000,707000 <- Where you want the vehicles to stop


Hope this helps



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Thanks for this- it's pretty much how I imagined it'd have to look, but it's good to know what each entry represents. The tricky think is going to be getting those coordinates right I suppose.

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Thanks for this- it's pretty much how I imagined it'd have to look, but it's good to know what each entry represents. The tricky think is going to be getting those coordinates right I suppose.


I would recommend that you view the map of where you are fighting. Get the grids of where you want the ships to show up on the ocean / sea. Just plug those grids in. Same for the attack and trucking.

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