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Red Falcon:Korean Air war add on RELEASED at www.combatace.com

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This campaign allows you to fly for the Soviet and Chinese Air Forces during the Korean War . You must have the Korean Air War all inlcusive campaign mod (available at www.combatace.com ) to use this add on. Even if you do not want to fly the Soviets or Chinese, this campaign spruces up the original Korean Air war mod with new screens and music.



First a special thanks to Edward and the rest of the original Korean Air War all inlcusive campaign mod team including:

Dave Slavens Wolf257, Torquatus, Pappychksix, Major Lee k FNG2k, Charles, Keith Bedford, Gramps, and Charles

Who all helped create a wonderful Korean Air war Mod


This Red Falcon Mod will leave the original installation undisturbed (with the exception of the main screen) . It will include :


New Soviet Campaign for the MIG-15 and the La-11

New Chinese Campaign for the MIg-15

New Music for single mission screen (Theme of MASH )

Soviet Anthems (if you choose the appropriate campaign)

Chinese Anthems if you choose the appropriate campaign)

New hangar sounds of Pilots talking

New in game screens from the master Kout

New re worked MIG 15 cockpit repaint with Russian lettering.

Korean War Pilot Photos


To install the mod simply place the folders in your corresponding Strike Fighters directory and say yes to overwrite the files.



This campaign was tested using NORMAL settings for campaign difficulty.




MK2: Project lead, research, Campaign design,Pilot Photos, Music, MiG cockpit repaints.


Kout: Main screen and all in game screen designs.


Bunyap: La-11


Wrench: Hangar screen for LA-11












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