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Can sidewinder or crew please tell me where to find desert airfield4??? I wish to add the approach lights mod and I am having a devil of time locating the DSA4 mod. Also will they work with WOV???? Thanks.

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Can sidewinder or crew please tell me where to find desert airfield4??? I wish to add the approach lights mod and I am having a devil of time locating the DSA4 mod. Also will they work with WOV???? Thanks.



Airfield 4 is called Large airfield approach lights. Yes they all work in WOV.


Downloads/StrikeFighters/ObjectMods you will find them.


---------> Object Mods <---------

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ok, will this replace the existing airfield(s) that came stock with the game? Which are located in the Terrain/ Vietnam Sea Airfield ini, 1,2,3,4.???????these are where my existing light sets are.. Cuz I find nothing in the objects/ground objects data ini's refering to airfields. I have not modified the existing airfield files at all.

And on my first attempt, I see taxiway lights across the runway. Sorry but your gonna have to walk me thru this.Thanks.

Edited by eightlein

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ok, will this replace the existing airfield(s) that came stock with the game? Which are located in the Terrain/ Vietnam Sea Airfield ini, 1,2,3,4.???????these are where my existing light sets are.. Cuz I find nothing in the objects/ground objects data ini's refering to airfields. I have not modified the existing airfield files at all.

And on my first attempt, I see taxiway lights across the runway. Sorry but your gonna have to walk me thru this.Thanks.


These are just the approach lights not the taxi/runway lights.


You have to add whichever lightset you want into your VietnamSEA_Airfield#.ini. (# = being 1,2,5,6)

Same goes with the large airfield for VietnamSEA_Airfield4.ini.


READ the READ me file it should be in there also how to do this. :rtfm:


As for the taxi/runway lights Piett fixed those and posted that fix at the Thirdwire forums.

Here.... http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2112&start=16 ....

Scroll down to his post.

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These are just the approach lights not the taxi/runway lights.


You have to add whichever lightset you want into your VietnamSEA_Airfield#.ini. (# = being 1,2,5,6)

Same goes with the large airfield for VietnamSEA_Airfield4.ini.


READ the READ me file it should be in there also how to do this. :rtfm:


As for the taxi/runway lights Piett fixed those and posted that fix at the Thirdwire forums.

Here.... http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=2112&start=16 ....

Scroll down to his post.


Did that, been there, got the T-shirt. Guess I better call the geek squad. Maybe I'll eventually get the hang of this. But, thanks for your time

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Did that, been there, got the T-shirt. Guess I better call the geek squad. Maybe I'll eventually get the hang of this. But, thanks for your time



These are in the terrain/vietnamsea folder only, nothing with object folder. You don't replace your airfield's , just modifying what you have. :)


open airfield4 in notepad and copy paste the runway taxiway sets and the light sets.

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:clapping: well low and behold sidewinder, guess what I did :rofl: Thank You a million chicken nuggets for your time and assist. Now for my next 1k questions when I attempt to start playing around getting some numbers on those carriers.Cant stand looking at those blank Islands topside with no numbers. :bye: for now.

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:clapping: well low and behold sidewinder, guess what I did :rofl: Thank You a million chicken nuggets for your time and assist. Now for my next 1k questions when I attempt to start playing around getting some numbers on those carriers.Cant stand looking at those blank Islands topside with no numbers. :bye: for now.



:search: PSSSSTTTTT wait for SP4 patch... :search:





soon....... grasshopper .......... soon

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