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Where do change the year range to unlimited Column5 has it written at their site that the date range can be changed to unlimited...where do you change it?





Edited by polaski

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I'm not sure how you get it to unlimited, but if you want to be able to support all aircraft over all their date ranges, go to your main WOV folder, open options.ini and replace the [singleMission] [DogfightHost] and [CoopMission] ranges from their initial settings to something bigger. I have mine set to 1930 start and 2021 end; this allows me to use any plane over any span that I've yet found. If WWI planes get released, shift the start date to 1910 or so. For a brief example:


Part of options.ini











LoadMissionFilename=Carrier Take-off


StartYear=1930 <============MODIFIED from 1968 to 1930

EndYear=2021 <============MODIFIED from 1973 to 2021


Also, individual planes can be modified as well. My Tomcat, in its F-14A_DATA file starts in 1970 (first flight year) and ends at 2006 (this year, the last -D models will retire) from 1973 and 2004 (I think to be absolutely accurate, it'd be 1972-2005; VF-1, -2 and -124 equipped on 14 Oct 1972, and the last -A squadron retired in early 2005 if I remember.) BUT, I could mod it to fly from 1930 to 2021 so it could fight any fighter at any time. Another example:


F-14A_DATA start




ServiceStartYear=1970 <====MODIFIED from 1973 to 1970

ServiceEndYear=2006 <====MODIFIED from 2004 to 2006





My Iranian 'Cat goes from 1977 to 2021 (as an estimate) by making the start and end years 1977 and 2021 respectively. It's as simple as modding the years. But as stated before, I don't know how to make the years unlimited...just finitely big.


Hope this helps.

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Thats exactly the information I needed. I was aware of Aircraft Data.ini but did no know where the general game ini was located.


Thanks a million



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