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Kadaicha Man

Modding British Aircraft

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I'd like to mod the Scimitar and Vixen. In particular, the Scimitar needs to have Firestreak missiles added to it. However, when I attempted to change the loadout.ini file, this had no effect when I attempted to change the selection of weapons available to the aircraft in the loudout screen. Is there something else I need to do in order to do that? The same goes for the Vixen.

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Did you check the aircraft's hardpoints in the data.ini? I haven't tested out either plane, so I don't know what it's capable of, but the hardpoints/weapon pylons might not have the ability to carry the class of weapon the Firestreak is.


For example (yet again...from my Tomcat):









LoadLimit=500.0 <==================Another factor

AllowedWeaponClass=AHM,IRM,LGB,BOMB <======Look at this

AttachmentType=NATO,USN <===============And this








Under AllowedWeaponClass, this particular hard point can carry Active Homing Missiles, InfraRed Missiles, Laser Guided Bombs and normal Bombs as annotated AHM,IRM,LGB,BOMB. (I added bomb capabilities to my 'Cat by adding ,LGB,BOMB to AHM,IRM.) The line below it "AttachmentType" means, I believe, that the plane can only carry weapons affilliated with either NATO or USN. If the Firestreak is a SAHM or AHM or IRM or whatever, and that isn't listed on the hardpoint, it can't carry the weapon, similarly, if it is not under the right nation affilliation, it cannot be carried even if it fits the hardpoint class; it is for this reason you won't find an F-16 loaded with AA-2's or a MiG-25 with an AIM-120, unless you modded the nation's attachment type to also carry SOVIET for the F-16 or NATO/USAF/USN for the MiG.


Remember also, weight and weapon diameter come into play. While an F-14 can carry an AIM-54, an F-16 can't because the missile is flat out too big and too heavy. For that matter, an F-14 can't carry the 10mT nuclear pod because of the same reason. If the planes in question were designed to use the Firestreak, there shouldn't be a problem, though specific hardpoints might not be able to carry it; you can't load an AIM-54 on an AIM-9 rack or vice-versa. Specific racks can carry more or less, and this can usually be seen on the LoadLimit line. If the Firestreak is too heavy for a specific point, you could still allow the point to carry whatever class of ordinance it is, but it still won't show up if it is too heavy or too big.


Hope this helps.

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