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SF aircraft & skins download area

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You were doing some great work in sorting these out, and all of the new downloads do seem to go into the right sections, but there is still a bit of a backlog of the older mods that need to re-allocated.


For example, there are some WW2 Mustang skins in the main download are rather than the WW2 skins section, some F-15 skins that could be moved from F-16\F-15 skins to the dedicated F-15 section, and some new categories of skins for aircraft where there are a lot of skins, eg A-6, A-7, B-58.


Also, the aircraft downloads need to be re-allocated from the main download area to the historical categories.


With so many new people finding the site through the recent release of WOV outside the US and of course the cheapness of SF in the shops and the recent SimHQ retrospective article, it would be a good time to make the site even more user friendly and easier to find stuff than it already is.


Just some comments, and if you need any help in recategorising these downloads just let me know.


Thanks, and keep up the great work. :)

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