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Multiplayer dropout

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Finally I have cracked the multiplayer problem and have it working more or less as I want it to (for now).


I am testing it on my LAN, and I can either use the multiplayer button in the exe, or use the batch files and the LAN IP of the host PC to simulate a 'net game. :)

I have had a lot of fun with a little package containing the Darwin Terrain and a few WW2 Pacific planes.

However, there is one bug, and I wonder if other multiplayer pilots also experience this.


My other PC was flying a Betty on automatic pilot, escorted by Zeros. I intercepted in a Corsair, and sent my AI planes back to base. Now, it seems that as soon as I made a kill the other PC dropped out. This seems to happen irrespective of whether or not the kill was my other PC's autopiloted aircraft, or one of the others in the flight. It also happened if one of my AIs got in before me and shot down a plane- that's why I sent them home.

Has anyone else experienced dropouts of this sort? It happens with other planes too, so it is not plane related.


I am putting together some "packages" with borrowed terrains and "aircraft" (a big thankyou to the community for creating them!), so that a few of us old EAWers can try SFP1 online with identical set-ups. My worry is that these dropouts will also occur online, as it it would be most disappointing.


;) Jel

Edited by Jel

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