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Blazing Sands Campaign now available

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You can download it right here.




Its based on the original Burning Sands campaign that came with the game. It's set in 1963 after a long cease fire between Dmimar and Paran. It becomes clear that the Paranis, rearmed by the Soviets, are preparing to make another attempt at conquering Dhimar. The Dhimaris, with advice from their American advisors, prepare to counter this new aggression. U.S. aircraft are in place and the Dhimaris decide now is the time to strike.



Flyable aircraft include:


- F-100D (2 squadrons with new skins)

- F-4B (with modified loadout)

- A-1H (with modified loadout)

- B-57B (uses the F-100 cockpit. I'll work on this one a bit later on)

- A-4B

- F-104G


You will have the option of choosing between two possible enemy air defense systems. One with lots of SAM's, particularly near the coast, and another with SAM's only present at the Parani capital.


Missions will be flown every 1-2 days.


I know I said before there would be more skins included but that will have to wait. The more proficient I get at skinning the pickier I get and the longer it takes me to finish them.


Keep in mind that I'm the only one who has tested the campaign so there are bound to be problems. Let me know what they are and I'll fix them ASAP. I approached this project as a way to gain experience before the more realistic theaters show up so any feedback at all will help. Let me know what you think aboabout it and what I can do to improve it.


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Guest Ranger332


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