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how to toggle the wing of naval aircraft

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hello,everyone! I have a question.

As we known, the naval aircrafts based on aircraft carriers can toggle their wings, but I don't know how to do that in WOV. :wacko:

so ,anybody can help me? :help:


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Guest Saganuay82

What do you mean by toggle? Have them fold?

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Not all the naval planes can to that in SF. In fact I am not sure of any that can.

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but i find a picture of naval plane who can fold its wings.


it is a Aircraft Skin of VF-193 F3H-2M. the author is Sidewinder86 .


how can this plane fold its wings?


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well its one of the few that can. have to see whats it tied to in the ini. Try crtl H, or T

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Guest capun

There are several planes that have Wing Folding capabilities. For example the Demon, the Banshee, the Scimitar, TBF Avenger, E-2C, C-2A, etc


The actual 3D model has to have a wing fold animation done, so not all of them have it. Currently there is no key command support for wing fold. Hopefully TK can add this support in the next patch


So to go around this problem, there are two methods to do wingfold


1- Set the wingfold to an unused command key, for example if no airbrake are used (prop planes), then the wing fold is set to that command key.


2- By automatically toggle the wing fold based on speed. The E-2C is an example of this method.

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USAFMTL, capun, you are so kind! :yes:

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Guest pdelbarba

There's an F-18 somewhere wiht folding wings, and user controled cockpit opening

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