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Orders to flight 1/2 in A2G ??

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When I attack ground targets I can order my wingman to attack the same (main) target via radio and he complies quickly and fast; dives in and releases his load of bombs. ... BUT I didn't found a way to give the same order to plane 3 or 4 or to flight 2 or 3 etc. All I can do is to give them the order to "attack ground targets" which results them to attack any other than the main target ... I think.

For sure I can say they do not drop any bombs at all. It's kind of frustrating to lead a 12 ship formation of thuds into downtown back home with all the ordonance still hanging under the jug.


(Flying F105 on A2G Missions in WOV since two weeks; I'm a newbie) ---- Help please, Is there a way to order the whole flight 1/2 /3 etc to attack a designated main target ???

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No there isnt. The answer in a nut shell.

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When I attack ground targets I can order my wingman to attack the same (main) target via radio and he complies quickly and fast; dives in and releases his load of bombs. ... BUT I didn't found a way to give the same order to plane 3 or 4 or to flight 2 or 3 etc. All I can do is to give them the order to "attack ground targets" which results them to attack any other than the main target ... I think.

For sure I can say they do not drop any bombs at all. It's kind of frustrating to lead a 12 ship formation of thuds into downtown back home with all the ordonance still hanging under the jug.


(Flying F105 on A2G Missions in WOV since two weeks; I'm a newbie) ---- Help please, Is there a way to order the whole flight 1/2 /3 etc to attack a designated main target ???


Nope. Just u and your wingman. So load up and use the rest of your flight as mig/sam bait. :rofl:

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At what flight number do they stop dropping thier bombs? I usually load the last flight for air to air. I have had some 2nd flights go agro on air defenses with CBUs when directed to attack ground. No joy on my choice of target tho. :ph34r: CL

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Guest pdelbarba
Nope. Just u and your wingman. So load up and use the rest of your flight as mig/sam bait. :rofl:

Yea i have noticed that. flight 1,2,3... always seems to get attacked first...and im the one who has to save their sorry hides. I wounder i there is dome sort of radar attracting ordinance that the other flights can carry to make their only usefull job more effective. Kinda like wearing a shirt sown from raw meat into the lion exibit in the zoo

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OK, Check this Sierra out! I've run a bunch of single missions using Thuds with a gaggle of 8, Flew in 1965/66 strike missions for that strolling dunder disaster that killed so many of that wonderfull airplane, loaded them up in all diiferent loads and got the same result. It might be a specific WOV thing. To see if I could get a different result, I tried the same with a 3rd party download. I used F84f thundersteaks. Marked them with WhiteKnights splendid SEA(named greek)scheme so the plane didn't look or feel out of place. I ran them thru a few 8 bird strike missions loaded with CBUs and snakeyes. Every time I got the same result. All the rest of the squadron used up there weps to good effect before I dropped my last bomb. If for no other reason give the Streak / Slead a try. :ph34r: CL



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