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Link deleted..they're at it again

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Well X-1 has done it again and as promised I am deleting the link.

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It'll be real cool! In the original game the german navy is weak, there aren't a bunch of ships in it.

I've want to know more about that "Xperimental" type IX sub.

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Remember, folks, that Combatplanes and X1 (Seawolves) are infamous for taking freeware mods and packaging them up for profit without compensating the creators of the mods. Combatplanes' 'Worldmod' used third party mods without the permission of the authors, and X1's Seawolves mod included mods that were stolen from freeware sites and sold for profit against the wishes of the modmakers. Buyer beware.


Note that the folks behind Combatplanes were also involved in X1 and Seawolves. Also be aware that these folks often come onto forums using assumed names in order to cloud the issue and attack people who point out the ethical issues of these companies.


The mod community for SH3 is well-established and extremely professional, and there are many large and small scale mods available for free. I urge everyone to try free mods before buying expansions with questionable content from companies (i.e. X1 and Combatplanes) who have a history of unethical business practices.

Edited by Beery

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Beery,I think this one is free of stolen mods(atleast I hope so,If I'm wrong please tell me and I'll kill this thread) and I will not allow X-1,combatplanes or anybody who uses other peoples mods without their permission to try to sell their stolen products here.The first hint of trouble and I'll delete the posts.Combatace has a reputaion for honesty and a place to come to see what is available with no strings attached.I would hope to bring some of the SubSim crowd here also so they could annouce their mods here also.and IF people need a place to host their mods we could set up a place here,I'm sure for people to come and get them.

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Beery,I think this one is free of stolen mods(atleast I hope so,If I'm wrong please tell me and I'll kill this thread) and I will not allow X-1,combatplanes or anybody who uses other peoples mods without their permission to try to sell their stolen products here.The first hint of trouble and I'll delete the posts.Combatace has a reputaion for honesty and a place to come to see what is available with no strings attached.I would hope to bring some of the SubSim crowd here also so they could annouce their mods here also.and IF people need a place to host their mods we could set up a place here,I'm sure for people to come and get them.


Bless you, Dagger!

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I believe that Beery's own RealUBoat 1.45 Mod (fantastic!) appears in part in the SeaWolves thing.

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I deleted the link..I am really dissappointed that once again they are proving they can't do their own work and depend on the work of others.With tht said I am going ot lock the thread and hope everyone will just use common sense when looking that their products.

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