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Guest zerocinco

UH-1B help

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Guest zerocinco

I create missions (from real battles) in WOV. I'll post them when I have them bulletproof. They are the HUGE missing element from the game. (In-country troops in contact and interdiction in Laos)


Since this IS Vietnam, I use the UH-1B created by Kesselbrut, Capun, MarcFighters and Pasko. It is modified to be a gunship. Although flyable, it is better as an AI ship. It hits what you send it after. Wingman, too. Murderous against Kesselbrut's infantry. Can almost get them to land before running out of gas.


Granted, WOV is not a chopper game but it can be a lot more than it is. More happened in 10 years than a week of Linebacker. One thing would be to fix the Huey. There are some mods I would really like to see happen or do myself...with some help.


1- Attach points for the weapons. Need to change the LOD. I have the exact points but they just float in the air.

2- A pilot like N7 but without the mask. Combat pilots (in helos or Spads) don't wear baseball caps.

3- An explanation from its creators why I can load two weapons in Single Mission>Create Mission but can only carry rockets in Single Mission>Load Mission...even after changing loadout and checking nations and dates.

4- Are any of the insignia in the Insignia file black versions of the US red white and blue device?


and a clue from anyone as to how one would preload the AI birds with different stuff than on their Loadout list for a canned mission. WOVQMD says you can...but you can't.


and finally, are there any artillery object I can place in the WOV timeframe?


After I finish Ia Drang, Tet, Khe Sanh, Mu Gia Pass and Tcepone, I will post them. All good fighter missions but with helicopters, small arms and grunts mixed in.


**Fighter pilots make the news. Attack pilots make history.**

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Guest Saganuay82

You can go in on the hangar page and load each plane with what you want. If you don't want to do that then you will have to change their loadout.ini.


The game looks at your loadout.ini to preload your plane for the type of mission.


#3 confuses me terribly.

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Guest zerocinco

Poorly worded, I know.


When the UH1B is being used on single missions (like CAS), it has a loadout ability to carry two weapons on each side. You choose one and the other is an M27 (no choices). So, you can put a M27 on top and a LAU or M134 on the bottom.


In a loaded mission that I wrote, it can only carry the LAU-3. No guns. If you change the loadout to M134 nothing appears in the game. LAU-3 only.

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Guest Saganuay82

Oh OK. Its a problem with the ini not allowing different wepoans to be loaded.


Also you are trying to get a pylon with one weapon and a weapon that is different on the other side of the helo.


It can be done yes and no I don't know how. I would say it is in the data.ini of the plane under the weapons allowable section.

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Oh OK. Its a problem with the ini not allowing different wepoans to be loaded.


Also you are trying to get a pylon with one weapon and a weapon that is different on the other side of the helo.


It can be done yes and no I don't know how. I would say it is in the data.ini of the plane under the weapons allowable section.

I think Fubar just addressed that same problem just recently...its here somewhere :search:

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Guest zerocinco

Partially figured it out. LAU-3 is a USAF weapon that is hung on a NATO position. Must refer to weapons list to get this right. Still some kinks but it's coming along.

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