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Problem with addon aircraft

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I downloaded the UH-1B (TH-1L.zip), Bell-47 ( bell-47d_151829.zip) and the MiG-21F-13 (SFP1_Mig-21F-13-v1.0.exe) and all of them cause WoV to crash when I select them for a single mission. Is there any way to fix this?

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Guest capun

Usually the crash is caused by missing or incorrectly named files.


Have you installed third party planes before?


If not check my site for some documentation and tutorials.



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Have you installed third party planes before?


Yes, I've got the RA-5C, AH-1G, F-105F and F-105G installed plus various skins and terrain mods. I'll take a look at your webpage to see if I missed doing something.

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Usually the crash is caused by missing or incorrectly named files.



Is there a way to check which file is missing or causing the crash? Some kind of debug switch would make this a little bit easier.


I just d/l the MiG-21 cockpits and none of them works :( In the Objects\Weapons folder I have the TANK490_MIG21.* files, but no AA-2 or such. Maybe this is causing the problem?

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I'm afraid it crashed because I was trying to fly the Range terrain and not the Red Range terrain :( Ooops...



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LOL it happens to the best of us.

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