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Trying to type a chat message in the middle of a dogfight or a ground attack run can be very difficult. The solution is for everyone to use the same voice chat program. Modern internet service and PCs have plenty of bandwidth and CPU cycles to spare for good voice comms. Many free downloads are available: the old reliable RogerWilco, Teamspeak, and Ventrilo to name a few. Even IM and netphone programs like MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, and Skype will work with some sacrifice of bandwidth and CPU power. It helps if there are free servers available to everyone to support the comms.


I have used all of the above programs at one time or another. Presently, my I suggest Teamspeak for several reasons: It is easy to install and configure (almost anyone can get it talking within a minute or two of downloading it), it is very tunable to work on different levels of PCs and internet connections (i.e. there are plenty of advanced options to meet anyone's needs), and best of all there is a free server at CombatAce.com open to any and all flight simmers!


To get Teamspeak, go here: http://www.goteamspeak.com/index.php?page=downloads


If you go to the homepage of http://CombatAce.com, there is a link to the free public Teamspeak server.




After you click on the link, you are on the Teamspeak page.





Click on the server IP to open the login dialog box and type in your nickname.




Click on the submit button and then click on the "click here to log in" text.




This will automatically open teamspeak on the lobby channel so you don't have to figure out how to connect! You can now adjust the settings as necessary to permit voice activated or button activated mic and try to talk/listen to other people that are there. There is even a test mode in case you are alone.




You haven't achieved the full immersion of multiplayer until you have experienced live voice while flying coop or dogfight.... 10x the fun!

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