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Walk across the terrain

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Probably a strange sounding request, but can you make it possible to walk across the terrain?


I remember one of my favorite sims of years past, Joint Strike Fighter (not the best flight model but superb graphics for its day), was unusual in that if you got shot down and parachuted to safety, you could then run around the landscape on foot and even take a quick pot shot with your side arm at a nearby target.


I remember one of the reviews generally rubishing this idea, something along the lines of "do they really expect us to walk back to freindly lines to save one pilot in the campaign". I think they kind of missed the point, which was, to me at least, that only by walking across the terrain can you get a real feel for the speed you were travelling before you got shot down. Puts it all in context somehow.


The experience kind of reminded me of one of the comments of a tornado pilot shot down over Iraq. One minute you are super high tech gladiator of the sky, the next you are a man alone in the desert with nothing but a pistol by your side. Quite a shock to the system.


The other advantage of course is that if the graphics are really good then it is nice to slow down and look at them in your own time. Also if you were involved in a multiple plane dog fight, but have to bail out it is nice to hang around and observe the rest of the combat, see if your mates make it out in one piece.


OK its possibly you guys have way too much to do to consider this feature, but thought I would bring it up anway...


Project is looking super beautiful btw!!!!

Edited by FarmBoy

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OK its possibly you guys have way too much to do to consider this feature, but thought I would bring it up anway...


Indeed. A lot to do, some worrying things ahead are carriers waypoint and their decision making (huge weight in the campaign process).


But, the good news is that this TSE we're starting to use, has a lot of features related to people walking in the ground :) We can't promise anything at this point, but we all know that pilots that ejected during the 1982 war (from both sides) have an interesting survival history to tell.

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I remeber in JSF walking aournd one of the hostile cities in Afganistan, and I kept expecting a guard to leap out and arrest me. OK so in practice I guess the devs did not have quite enough time to implement this, sigh :-( but it was still kinda cool.


But I guess if walking is implemented then it just leaves the door open for the future modding community to do something interesting maybe one day. I remeber a modder for janes USAF did a mod that allowed you to drive one of the tanks around...


...drifts off into unrealistic dreams of Great Escape style motorcycle chases across the falklands...


oh, what is the TSE btw?

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oh, what is the TSE btw?


It's a multiplatform 3D engine that we started to (carefully) consider for use in JT. It's in the testing bench now.

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