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New book about Falklands Air War

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From british perspective too, although this time through the eyes of a pilot of the Sqdr 800:


David Morgan reveals what it is really like to be a jet fighter pilot in this vivid memoir from the Falklands War. In 1982, David Morgan was an RAF officer, on secondment to the Royal Navy, when the Argentine invasion took place. He flew in the first British air strike against the enemy positions around Port Stanley, the raid memorably described by BBC reporter Brian Hanrahan who 'counted them all out, and counted them all back'. But three out of thirty British pilots were killed during the first week. Morgan was first on the scene at Bluff Cove, where Argentine jets had bombed the landing ships SIR TRISTRAM and SIR GALAHAD, with great loss of life. He and his wingman pounced on four enemy Skyhawk fighter-bombers: he shot down two, his wingman hit the third; the fourth managed to escape after jettisoning his weapons and drop tanks. David Morgan was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for his bravery in 1982. He is also credited with downing several helicopters as well as pressing home ground attack missions in the teeth of heavy anti-aircraft fire. After the war, he met one of the Argentine pilots he fought, who had had him in his sights but discovered his guns were jammed.


I've just preordered it at Amazon books. Release is in May, 11.

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From british perspective too, although this time through the eyes of a pilot of the Sqdr 800:

I've just preordered it at Amazon books. Release is in May, 11.


Amazon.com doesn't seem to have it, but Amazon.co.uk does. Do they ship to the US?

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Amazon.com doesn't seem to have it, but Amazon.co.uk does. Do they ship to the US?


Probably yes, I've ordered from uk and at the checkout it calculated the shipping costs to brazil, so it seemed it'll ship it overseas.

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