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Where can i find the missions for yankee air pirate?

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I hope that zerocinco has pulled it (& others) to rework for SP4 compatability.

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Guest zerocinco

After grumbling and moaning, I am going to update everything now that modding the game is easier for the players. There are about 3 times the target "situations" than there were in the version on this forum. Most are tied to specific missions I have in the can but are certainly open to anyone else who wants to blast them. (I would like to get them first but that's tough luck.)


I have a lot of work to do before I put them back up.


One nice thing: Since I have to fly all my missions again and I DID design them to please me, I am having a lot of fun doing that part. (Then some gun is no longer in place and I go back to grumbling and moaning.)


I had just spent 4 days making a death ray and didn't back it up. Without that, the SAR missions ain't happening.


Now that WOE is out everyone will be off flying day-glo SR-71's against Mach 2 flying tortoises over the Fulva Gap. Even though the scenery is pretty amazing, I don't see gamers wanting to bomb a radar site atop a mountain in an An-2 even though it really happened. And shooting someone down 60 miles out is always less taxing than burning a town to the ground...even though it happens a lot.


I wanted to post 100-missions. Not all Thuds blasting laudromats in Yen Bai but a sampling of the entire air war in SE Asia. They really are fun and unique. I was thinking of a contest with a prize...a really amazing prize. But right now, I just want to repair my own sandbox.


Give me a couple of weeks.

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zerocinco, why you don´t make a whole campaign like ´vietnam, what really happens...´?

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Guest zerocinco

Because a campaign relies upon Red Crown's blessing. In reality, you would be successful in Dragon's Jaw 1, 2, and 3 if you get home alive. On Dragon's Jaw 4, you have MK84 Paveways and you can finally drop the bridge (which I armor up to the point of stupidity so the missions come out right).


Thus being able to pick and choose the ones you want is kind of nice. You can be in a bad mood and go strafe sampans. You can feel precise and shoot an instrument approach back into Cam Ranh Bay. Feel adventurous? Go work out under flares at Dak Seang or over at Ban Laboy. I might even have one with pre-strike tanker, Haiphong Railyard, and a carrier landing in the weather. That ought to keep your hands out of the Cheetos while you are playing.


I still think the best mission would be to fly your Thud from Taklii to Don Muang in Bangkok, hit Alt-Tab, go out for Thai food and Singha beer, visit some X-rated porn site, go back into WOV, taxi out and fly back to the base. The guy with the best lie wins. (and, of course, lots of screen shots).


That is DEFINITELY going on the board.

Edited by zerocinco

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