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Guest zerocinco

target questions

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Guest zerocinco

What is the Suspension Constant and how does it apply to boats? (How do you keep them above water...in the ocean, not on rivers).


I have a boat target that appears and disappears but does not seem to be going underwater as they do inland.


I'm going to give you anchor crankers something to shoot at.


How does one assign an effect to a target type? By this I mean something similar to the smoke stack on the Generator building. It has no apparent DATA.INI. Since I wish to apply this to locomotives, I really don't want to give them movement, just sit there and smoke.


Again, an anchor cranker target mostly.


Then, I'm done.

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Guest capun

Suspension constant is basically how much the objects bobs on the surface. A big ship will have a very small number (like 0.1) while a fast patrol boat maybe a 10


Do you have access to the ship's 3DS Max file? They need to adhere to the exporter (LOD creator) parameters


You can assign an effect to any object, what you need to have is a data ini for that object. In there you can specify zero speed for a static target. Look at the downer pilot data ini as a reference

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Guest zerocinco

The sampans must not be properly tuned to be moving targets, I guess. The moving boat effect works fine beneath it but the sampan is off and on.


As far as the effect for a stationary object: How does the Generator Plant do it? There is no apparent DATA.INI for it anywhere yet it sits there smoking. I can create a DATA.INI for the Locomotive but I do not want it to be a ground object in the Mission Editor. Just as soon put it on the tracks where it is in the Targets file.

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Guest capun

Use the cat extractor with the desert.cat and get the Desert_Types.ini


Here's the entry for the GeneratorBuilding1




FullName=Generator Building




















Effect=SmokeStackEffect ; Smoke

EffectOffset=6.21,3.77,16.25 ; Smoke location

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Trains already smoke ->




Wonson Train station, from my as-yet unreleased Korea upgrade. This is from Edwards EAW mod, transplanted.

Once I figure out WHO I need to get permissions from, I'll release the terrain upgrade (added like 15 target areas, cleaned up object placement, etc)



Kevin Stein

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Guest zerocinco

Thank you.

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