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Hi Guys! Have you heard about ace combat?

is it possibe to have SU-27 flanker or JAS-39 in Strike fighters?

just for fun.how about an aircraft that has a betty sounds.

is there a chaff n flare in the sfp1? thanks guys.

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Hi Guys! Have you heard about ace combat?

is it possibe to have SU-27 flanker or JAS-39 in Strike fighters?

just for fun.how about an aircraft that has a betty sounds.

is there a chaff n flare in the sfp1? thanks guys.

There's a Flanker coming & I think that the same person may have started a Gripen (there's a Typhoon coming too iirc).

& the SF series has chaff, flares & ECM modelled - indeed Stealth as well is possible.

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Cool stuff Buff, thanks for the update :)


I've heard that the RCS of an aircraft in SFP1 is just a simple one line entry in the data.ini but does anyone know where exactly it is and what the command is? Just curious for messing around with some stuff :)



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thanks a lot Sir! we are so excited.

we love u Sir! :clapping:

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Cool stuff Buff, thanks for the update :)


I've heard that the RCS of an aircraft in SFP1 is just a simple one line entry in the data.ini but does anyone know where exactly it is and what the command is? Just curious for messing around with some stuff :)




From TK:


Okay, you can now add a new line under [DetectSystem]






This simply modifies the radar cross section of the aircraft (the RCS is currently calculated based on the hit radius), so if you put






That should make it invisible to the radar. Please keep in mind that way we calculate RCS is likely to change in the future (to be more directional), so this is just a quick fix for those Stealthy aircraft now.



If you download the fictional F-19 Stealth Fighter, you can see a working example.

Edited by streakeagle

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you see Bibbo, just cool paint doesnt make it stealthy :biggrin:


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:rofl: Always the joker!


That's it dude, hit a man where it hurts :haha:



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