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helo wat sort of mods r there just for WoV, and can i download any modern or cold war add on aircraft. i hve seen the mods and the air assets and they look great. excellent work :good: thou i hvent got SF.

Edited by slyder

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Most mods are compatible across the whole series of Third Wire sims.

1 thing to watch with WOV though is the date range of aircraft.


This has all been covered before several times in both the forums & the stickies here (at the top of http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=28).

& I would consider it a favour if you would lay off the txt spk ;)

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TY mate for the reply, and i knw the txt spk its a bad habbit wil have a look at it.





ive been looking at some mod's and add on aircraft, and it seem's they say that i need SF.

all that im looking for is some addon aircraft for wov only.




TY for the reply guys

Edited by slyder

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