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Need Info on AMX Jamming Systems

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I need a picture of an ELT-555 jamming pod.


Also need to know the name and type of internal jammers. Thanks in advance.

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Here is a picture of the ELT 555(V)3, I hope it's the one you're looking for




It's taken from the manifacturer web site, there's even a .rtf info document, don't know if it can be useful for you: http://www.aiad.it/upload/aziende/azienda_/ELT-555_engl.rtf


As for the internal jamming system, I should have something at home about AMX, I'll check it, but no promises. :)

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Nothing to do, USAFMTL, I've checked my old magazines, but I couldn't find any better info. All I know is that AMX has an RWR, a jamming system and 4 chaff/flare dispensers, but I can't tell you the names :P

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Thank you my friend, this info will work great.

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Thank you my friend, this info will work great.


Glad to help. :)

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