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Hi Fellow Flight Simmers!

I have had the Microsoft Sidewinder Force feedback 1 Joystick for 6 years and it has been brilliant!


Now that I have finally migrated to XP from 98 , the force feedback is not adjustable in WOV or SP1 but is at FULL FORCE!


No more adjustment!!!!! "thanks Bill"


What FFB Stick do you guys use ,if you want to feel the IRON leave the wings?


I like to feel the 750s fall !without FFB Inever know whats been pickled!


I would welcome your comments


Anyone have the Fancy Saitek one?

Thanks in Advance



Edited by slimnot

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What does the FFB actually do? Just vibrate for different event types?


I don't have an FFB (if it just vibes, not for me).


Just got a Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. Works great in XP.


Smooth and able to control jet in very small touches.

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I also use the Logitech extreme 3D pro. I like it! it works well and does not cost a lot.


Did you try and update the driver for your Side Winder?

Edited by xrearl

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