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To adjust the gun sight, is that the max/min depression settings in the cockpit INI?? Thanks.

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To adjust the gun sight, is that the max/min depression settings in the cockpit INI?? Thanks.

I'm working on the basis of the cockpit.ini file for the F-5E II from the mirage factory as hosted by column5, so if this doesn't apply to your question that may be why.


First of all, which gunsight mode do you want to adjust, air to ground or air to air?


For air to ground:-




Don't know what this does. Have adjusted but don't seem to get any effect.




Sets the Depression of the gunsight in air to ground mode. I think its in millidrans or mil(360degrees=1000mil)



For air to air:-




This sets the gunsight to move gyroscopically in relation to you manauevering the aircraft when in air to air mode with cannon selected, to represent the path of your bullets. If you have no target aquired on radar, the sight will move at the default lead range:-




so that its position of the sight will indicate where your bullets will be after they have travelled 500 metres.

If you have aquired a target on your radar and are tracking it and it is between these ranges





the sight will automatically adjust its movement to represent where you need to put your bullets to hit the target at its current range.




This adjusts the size of the sight reticle. I think it is not actually in mil but a percentage of the size of the gunsight tga file.


Hope this answers your question.

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Thanks Bernard for the info. She fires high for both A/A and A/G on gun settings.

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She fires high for both A/A and A/G on gun settings.


When you say fires high, you mean the bullets go above the sight?


Look further down the cockpit.ini to where it says:-




By adjusting the middle numbers, you can change the overall position of the entire gunsight eg. caged, A2A and A2G modes. If you try the following you should be able to move the entire sight up to match the path of your bullets:-




These angles are in degrees, so maybe try half degree increments until the sight is in the right place.


I've looked at the data.ini to see if the cannon on the aircraft model are aimed wrong, but they don't seem to have a value entered for aim angle, so I'm assuming it defaults to straight ahead.

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Thank you Sir for your tips. We'll give it a shot.

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