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WoV Weapon Mod trouble

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I've loaded the latest weapon mod for WoV. I am now unable to get Aim-7's (all varieties) to lock and/or launch. I can't get them to fire at all. Am I missing something??? Aim-9's work, bombs work, rockets work....but my Aim-7's don't do a thing....



Edited by FJagr

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Are you within the min or max ranges of the missile? Is your radar on? Generally, locking a target up isn't an issue with weapons. Select radar target, and then track is radar commands. Unless those commands got unbound to their keys somehow, there shouldn't be a problem with getting a lock. From there, it's the missile preformance envelope, Rmin & Rmax, where the missile can be fired within. Also, at what g are you firing from? If none of this helps, check the Knowledge Base here, which should have a segment on radar operation and using radar guided weapons (AIM-7's, -54's, -120's, etc.)

Edited by Caesar

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AIM-7s and other radar-guided weapons won't fire without a radar lock. The game manual is next to useless explaining how to get a lock, though. See the Radar Operations Guidelines article in the Knowledgebase here for a much better explanation including pictures.


Short version is: search, acquire, lock (the yellow diamond), fire.

BORESIGHT mode is the easiest and fastest way (for me) to get a lock when in a close-range fight. Of course, if you're close enough for BS to work, then minimum range can be a concern. ;)

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