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The Strike Fighters Knowledge Base

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Just a quick tip of the hat to the fellows who've come up with the knowledge base; it's a great thing. One of the first questions I had about SF was answered almost immediately by it, and they've even got a nice radar tutorial.


My radar woes (mostly based upon the fact that I wanted to slew the cursors and designate targets myself) had gotten me to forgo the hopes of ever using the things efficiently. Of course, inasmuch as the F-104G doesn't seem to carry anything other than the AIM-9B and the M61 in the game (so far as I've seen in single missions; I could be quite wrong based upon what I've read) I might actually have to learn how to "look-down, shoot-down" instead of relying upon my ace pilotage skills :roll: to carry me through the battle.


Anyways, thanks for providing this resource, and thanks for having such a heavy focus on SF to begin with. Now to actually remove those oh-so-helpful but oh-so-unrealistic data blocks...

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I like you wish we could manually slew the radar to the desired target..but maybe down the road.yes the F-104 can only load out Aim-9s and guns,and yes the F-100 has no radar to get in the way.and yes each aircraft has different radar modes..so gotta learn to use them...I have learned alot since we started doing the tutorials,and I hope to be updating them with all the info I have learned along with the weapon envelopes so employing them will be easier.

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I've gotten spoiled by the Su-27/Su-33, F-16C-50/52 and other modern jets in terms of weapon use---I had to think back to USNF '97 for AIM-9B limitations, 'cause it had been so long since I'd used them. At least I've got some electronic stick time in the F-84E and F-86F to guide me in these "shooting at glinting metal things" duels.


Manual slewing isn't too much of a concern for me since I'm confident enough (or stupid enough, your choice) that I with AIM-9B et cetera and M61 are enough to prevail. (See signature for proof of mindset or lunacy.) I'm kind of partial to the F-100 m'self, 'cause it's an older aircraft, and you can't go wrong with something dubbed "Super Sabre". :D

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