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Complex static/parked Lightning Mk6 canopy down (complete)

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Complex static/parked Lightning Mk6 canopy down (complete)

I've decided to post each static aircraft as a complete folder so that the installation process is as simple as possible. I felt that the manual installation in my earlier post was too much work for a lot of people. This way you can pick and choose the statics you want to include in your own missions.


"If you build it, they will come". Well, if you make it easy for people, they will use it.


This posting consists of a Lightning Mk6 complex static/parked aircraft with its canopy down, a sample mission (.msn) file that makes use of it, and an extract of the optional changes to the VIETNAMSEA_TARGETS.INI (or equivalent) file that you may want to apply.


Thanks, regards, PNT/comrpnt :-)


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