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Problems with Graphic Settings during Flight

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in every mission i have problems with my graphic settings. In the first five minutes of flight everything seems normal. But then I get a black screen and one minute later my graphic settings are changed and I get an error report of my ATI Radeon 9800 SE graphic card. How can i solve that problem? I have the newest drivers for the card and the main board...

Also I tried to install the Germany V.07 Terrain to WOV. The Terrain works, but I don´t have any airfields there. Starting on the runway is not possible because my plane explodes. In the air i have huge light blue triangles near the horizon.


Does anybody have answers to my problem?





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I've heard of problems with ATi cards (geez, does every game have a problem with ATi nowadays?), but the only advice I can give is to try rolling back to an earlier version, as I'm an nVidia user.

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in every mission i have problems with my graphic settings. In the first five minutes of flight everything seems normal. But then I get a black screen and one minute later my graphic settings are changed and I get an error report of my ATI Radeon 9800 SE graphic card. How can i solve that problem? I have the newest drivers for the card and the main board...

Also I tried to install the Germany V.07 Terrain to WOV. The Terrain works, but I don´t have any airfields there. Starting on the runway is not possible because my plane explodes. In the air i have huge light blue triangles near the horizon.


Does anybody have answers to my problem?




Problem 1: Roll back to a 5-series ATI driver and see what happens. I get graphics anomalies in SFP1 if I use any 6-series driver.


Problem 2: Since it appears the Deutschland terrain was designed for use in SF and not in WOV, you'll probably need a copy of the desert.cat file from SF if you want the Deutschland terrain to function correctly in WOV.

Edited by Tristan

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