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A310 MRTT Refuelling Drogue Lights

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A310 MRTT Refuelling Drogue Lights

Hi folks, I've had a go at adding some drogue lights to the A310 MRTT refuelling tanker, to make it more fun to line up during a night tanking exercise.


This lights mod is a bit of a hack as when the A310 comes in to land the lights remain visible, but for practice they work pretty well and seem real enough when the A310 is in flight.



I've still to sort out the best way to get an AI aircraft to turn their lights on or off on-demand via some Lights setting the _data.ini file. If someone comes across the setting or parameter value that enables this in an .ini file then please pass me the details it would be a real bonus for this and my other static aircraft mods.


[Mk2 Comments]

I updated the original post as I noticed a slight misalignment with the right-side drogue. I've moved the right-side lights across (+X coords) to fix this.


Cheers, kind regards, P.T. :-)


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Hi, I can't find the A310 MRTT on the downloads, where I can download it? thanks

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Hi, I can't find the A310 MRTT on the downloads, where I can download it? thanks



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