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Weapons Not Loading on Soviet A/C?

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I have downloaded some of the Soviet aircraft for Strike Fighters-Project 1 on this site. The problem is I have installed the latest weapon editor and SFP1 patch but are still having problems with the computer adding the stores based on mission/role for mostly soviet aircraft.


Su-15TM-All appropriate weapons are selectable but only the gun pods are installed automatically. When the computer uses this aircraft as opposing forces only store is gun pods as well.


Mil-24 Hind-No weapons are selectable at all. Only weapon allowed is cannon.


Mig-23M and Mig-23MLD-No weapons are selectable except centerline tank. When the computer uses this aircraft as opposing forces only armed with internal cannon.


Mig-25PD-All appropriate weapons are selectable but none are installed automatically. When the computer uses this aircraft as opposing forces it is unarmed (Not a very dangerous adversary at all, but greatly improves my kill ratio :lol: )


Mig-29A-All appropriate weapons are selectable but none are installed automatically. When the computer uses this aircraft as opposing forces it is only armed with cannon.


I do not seem to have this problem with the non-soviet aircraft I download. I am sure I haven't installed something correctly but not sure where to start. Any help would be appreciated.



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Open up the Data.ini files, (They'll have the jet name right before 'Data') and scroll down to 'AttachmentType=.' Most likely it says WP, change it to Soviet. Do the same for the rest of the weapon slots.


Edit: For the AI, I don't think there's a way to allow/make them use any weapons other than the internal guns/gun pods.

Edited by Sky Captain

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Guest capun

You need to go to Bunyap's site and look for the weapons data base. There is a link to changes required to either/or the loadout.ini and the data.ini files.


As for individual AI, you can manually do it one by one in the loadout screen of the game, otherwise all of the AI planes will use the default loadout specificied in the loadout.ini for that mission. Of course it has to be working properly.

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it is necessary to reewrite all files for each aircraft ??!!!


The weapons pack modifiy itself the lines of this files ?

Edited by am39exocet

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it is necessary to reewrite all files for each aircraft ??!!!


In a word, YES.

You must manually update the //Weapons section in ALL 3rd party aircraft to meed the current nation name and attachment type standards (there are a few exceptions, WW2 stuff mostly)

You must also maunally updated the loadout ini for ALL Soviet/WP aircraft, as they no longer use the old style of NATO designations for weapons.


Several other countries have also had their 'names changed', and they are being worked on. Slowly but surely.


Most of the relevant aircraft data and updates can be found here:




Due to the diligent work of myself, bunyap, tristan and VERY few others, a great deal of the work has already been done for you. Now, it's just a matter of copy/paste.



The weapons pack modifiy itself the lines of this files ?


In a word, NO

See above.


Also, all questions about nation names and attachment types changes ARE answered in the weapons pak readme.


Note to moderators: any way of making this a sticky, or something like it, adding it to the Knowledge Base, and a link to the Weapons Wiki??



Kevin Stein

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