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WOV: squadron/year/aircraft-list? and problem with modern era planes

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hi there


just new to this forum/page... and i think it's amazing. just downloaded a F5 Tiger, Mirage III and a Hawker Hunter... and now I want to add at least an F/A-18 (considering these planes you might guess where I'm from).


but that's where the problems start: I tried 2 different hornets and a Falcon, but when I fly them, the cockpit-view flickers like mad, and when I come back to cockpit-view from a different view, the sim either crashes or hangs for quite a while.

must be something with the "modern" avionics... I dunno. any help here? do I need a patch?



second question: is there a list showing which squadron operated which aircraft for the WOV stock-campains? i mean: normally you want to fly a certain airplane, not for a certain squadron.



cheers, mates

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As far as the flickering and crashes go, make sure you've patched the game to the latest version, and also make sure you've downloaded and installed a version of DirectX 9.0c that's April'06, or later. Earlier versions cause problems.


When it comes to the aircraft and squadrons you fly in the campaign, you'd have to extract and modify the campaign data ini for the campaign you want to change. Check in the Knowledge section of this forum before you attempt to change anything. Download and read the SF Editing notes, if nothing else. There's a section at the end of the notes that deals with campaigns. Try here first:




Learn as much about the file structure that you can. Remember that, like anything else in life, what you change may have an affect on something else, so back up before you change anything, but most of this learning comes through reading and experimentation. Above all else, have fun.

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or you just have a really bad video card!!!! :rofl:

i'am just joke with you....

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ok, the hornet's flying now. don't know what it was in the end. I re-installed WOV, added the patches, added weapons pack, added f7a-18... fine now. oh, even the latest directx - don't think that was the problem. the "old" one was from july.


as for the squadrons/aircraft thing: i don't want to mod anything their. i just want to know what plane i will fly BEFORE i start the campain. my started/won ratio is at 40/4 or something like that, just because i started so many campains to find out it wasn't a plane i like... :crazy:

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