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Possibility of a Ground Object Pack?

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Title is self explanatory; it would be a real boon if there was a unified ground objects pack which was updated like the weapons pack. As it is adding the stuff yourself to your groundobjectsdata.ini file one by one does get tedious...

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huh...here we go again do people read this days???


Yes I do read. And I didn't find anything even resembling a unified objects pack.


right okay here there are.....



Already have it on my HD. And it's only for the US Military from 1970-today.




Hm, a bunch of mods each in their own sets, no unified pack I'm seeing there.


It seems to be YOU that has the comprehension problem.

Edited by MKSheppard

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we can do what you are talking about but some people really are not much making sams and tanks as much... i make the models but they won't make a mod out of it!!! Sorry man


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Shepard, with your experience in adding ground objects, take this as a wonderful opportunity to create a unified Ground Object pack to share. I don't know about if authors' permission is needed. Others can answer better than I can.


One of my fave lines in Babylon~5 was after Commander Sheridan was told by Earth Gov to turn over station security to the black arm banded Night Watch. General whathisname (forgot) who, during the Earth Gov's declaration of Martial Law on Earth and the colonies, told Commander Sheridan to...


Take this as an opportunity, rather than a burden.

Sheridan did, and won.

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Guest capun

Yes, unless specified in their original readme file, you need to get permission to include their work in your pack.

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The ones on my site are broken into sets for a easy reason:


Different terrain types require different camo paint jobs.


Hence, the Desert skinned object pak, Euro-style skinned object pak, and a few snow-camo skinned thingys. Not counting the snow camos for DBS at Major Lee's site.


To be honest, I've been the only one even attempting anything like this for nearly 3 years. I've been maintaining the "Filling the Blanks With Ground Objects" thread at SimHQ for some time (albeit, due for an update caused by the release of the arty by the Dev A-Team -- note to self: do so soon)


A GOPak is actually a really good idea




with the differing types of terrain, this allows the end user the ability to pick and choose which to install to go with what terrain.

I mean, it looks somewhat odd having a snow camoed T-54 crawling across the Saini desert (unless this is, of course, after the Great Asteroid Impact, and is the result of the Global Winter)

Conversley, seeing a Desert camo Centurion engaging on the Euro terrains looks kinda odd too.


As to getting permission, lots of the original stuff (now updated for the latest patch, and no longer needing the groundobjectdata.ini -which no longer exists- to be messed with) were created by Pasko, and he's a bit tough to get a hold of.


As to adding listings to the groundobjectdata.ini; sounds like you might need to patch to the latest level. (see above, and also in the Knowledge Base here)


So, all in all, a good idea, but it's already been done. At least as far as I can tell :)



Kevin Stein

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if we did one which is (pretty cool) we have a to have auto installer which you can pick which ground stuff you want .(which is going to be hard and one big file :blink: )...

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Started work on it; the biggest problem I'll have is probably tracking down Pasko, and the various creators who have disappeared over the years for their permission.

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hey man do you need help on it ?????? also do you have a auto installer??

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hey man do you need help on it ?????? also do you have a auto installer??


No I don't need help, this is just a very tedious process; and I don't like auto installers.

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Guest capun
Started work on it; the biggest problem I'll have is probably tracking down Pasko, and the various creators who have disappeared over the years for their permission.



You can post here, at SimHQ and at Column5's site and ask if someone knows how to get hold of them.


Pasko was out of his country on a trip to Europe, he should be back and trying to get his site up again.

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At first, I was hoping to have one huge unified pack with






Co-existing and being called by the terrain, but it appears that's not possible, so I'm going back to separate packs.


So far I've gotten at least five different pack ideas:


WinterGOP (self explanatory)

DesertGOP (self explanatory)

EuroGOP (self explanatory)

WW2GOP (self explanatory)

GeneralGOP (For those things that don't fit in the other categories, like ships, or ships that saw long service past WW2)


I'll also be doing a comprehensive set of desert and winter skins for virtually everything, to expand on Pasko's packs

Edited by MKSheppard

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For the WW2GOP it might be better to have 3 or 4 seperate ones - Euro, Desert/Mediterranean, Pacific, Eastern Front - you don't want Japanese Chi Ha tanks showing up on the WW2 Libya map for example!

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