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Terrain Editor

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i am working myself into the terrain editor and could need some help. is there a tutorial around ? or a special forum ?

could not find any.



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Hi, Go to




click - Strike Fighter link

click - Aircraft, Objects and Utilities

click - Construction School


Apparently not the easiest thing to use. But many have conquered it.


I actually would like to make mountains for the Desert map but haven't tried tackling it yet due to the bewildering tutorial.


Did you get the latest version of the editor from Thirdwire?

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Start with Major Lee's tutorial, but it stops short and does not cover the evil little "tricks" in getting Terrain Editor to work.


For that, browse through my TE Learning thread at this webboard ~> http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=8781


Bump the thread up if you have any questions.


...and Polak's TE learning thread over at teh simhq ~> http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cg...c;f=55;t=006981



More info, and a texture list file, here...


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Thx guys, this was helpful.

still, i have 2 problems:


1) when i load my xyz.hfd file the terrain is totally confused. not a single tile is at the place it should be (actually i am updating the existing desert terrain, so all should work fine. and yes - it showed all right in the game, all necessary files seem to be present). if i save this confused tiles, my terrain is of course a mess. why ?


2) i "built" new buildings to populate a mountain region. the buildings / boxes appear all right, but neither my new ones nor the old ones are textured. again: why ? has this something to do with the definition of the bmp-texture in the texturelist.ini ? i did add the name of the texture in the according description, but maybe some other parameters have to be set ? detail ?




thx for any hint


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