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Why isn't the worlds most agile, and high-tech fighter in the game?


And will the Russian arsenal have the KS-172 anti-awacs missles?

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Why isn't the worlds most agile, and high-tech fighter in the game?


The SU-35 is basically a glass-cockpit version of an SU-27 with improved radar, electronics and engines. It also has vectored thrust and those oh so cool canard wings... :cool:


The main reason it's not in there though is you have to remember the time period LOMAC is moddeled in. Early 90's post-cold war. The SU-35 came out in the mid '90s (1994/5 I believe?? Although I seem to remember the prototype was in 91-92...). So it hasn't been invented yet... :D


And will the Russian arsenal have the KS-172 anti-awacs missles?

See above... ;)

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I'm still not sold on this SU35. What good is supermanuverability if you get shot down 40 miles away from a enemy aircraft you cant see. ;)

I'm sure it's fun to watch at airshows though. lol

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Seawolf has a pont, if the EVER (doubt they will) add some of the SUs superfighters i hope they add the 37, that would be great :twisted:

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What good is manueverability? Well im sorry, im not a pilot, maybe you can ask a Vietnam era pilot where his balls were when they were in a close in dogfight with a mig-21 (im guessing somewhere high-up, maybe in his throat). Are you forgetting that missles and radar arent the only thing that make an airplane. Speed and manueverability are life.


By the way your little pissant Air Force fighters will be blind when a Su-35 shoots down your AWACS, 250 plus miles away with the KS-172 (our longest range is what 90? with the Phoenix). Then we will see when maneuverability is needed. Oh I forgot even without the KS, the Su-35 has the same engagement range as any Western fighter (with the exception of a Phoenix armed F-14).


Maybe you could be sold on the Su-35 if you knew what you were talkin about.


But it doesnt matter since the plane wont be in the game anyway.

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