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Thrust Vectoring Nozzles?

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I saw that someone had done an F-22 (I think it was Fubar) but they hadn't worked out how to animate the nozzles for thrust vectoring, nor get the afterburner flame to follow. Was this ever worked out or is it an impossibility?

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I think part of the problem is that (with some of the models I've seen) your afterburner will point in your true direction as opposed to the pitch or yaw of your aircraft. I'm pretty sure you can see it in models like the F-16s when you change direction violenlty. I'll see if I can get you a screen cap for you...

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Guest capun



The nozzles in the Harriers I believe they are animated for TV.


I think (please check with wpnsstg) at frame 1 of your animation the nozzles are pointing back like in normal flight, at frame 10 the nozzles are pointing to the max deflection.


Now they should also match the data ini,






;ThrustVectorInputName=THRUST_VECTOR_CONTROL ; For other control

ThrustVectorControlRate=5.0 ; Speed of the control

ThrustVectorAnimationID= ; Here you put your animationID

MaxVectoredPitchAngle=85.0 ; Max angle

ExhaustEmitterName=DirtyExhaustEmitter ; This is a test emitter so you can see it

ExhaustPosition=-0.3360,-3.0972,2.6082 ; you will see the exhaust moving here as you change the TV angle


Hope it helps

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