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Weapons Pack with Strike Fighters Gold trouble

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Hi all!


I tried to install recent editon of Weapons Packs (3July06) into SP Gold (ver. 08.30.06) but unfortunately after WP's installation my game always crashes immediately after launching. I must reinstall SP Gold to be able to play but without Weapons Pack of course...


Can you give me any advice how to solve this problem?



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I have the Gold, latest patch and installed W'Pack July with no problems.


Are you installing it to your main Strike Fighters folder, not to weapons folder nor objects.


Also, I seem to remember that the WPack added/doubled up some ini files into the weapons folder that were already in the objects main folder.


I cleaned my objects folder of old ini files that had been doubled up after WPack install. Notably weapons_data.ini - so I had old weapons_data.ini(from game install?) in objects folder and new one in weapons folder.


I deleted old data.ini (and there may have been others that were doubled) because I didn't know which the game would read).


So maybe there is confict if game is reading old weapons-data.ini.


Also check if the weapondata.dat is probably doubled.


This seems to happen because the game doesn't actually create a weapons folder.


AND A TIP: after fresh install of game - update to latest patch level - make a copy of patched game and put it wherever you keep all your addon zips. Then you can check what changes have been made when you add mods/addons that cause problems.

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I must tell you things are going funny enough! I installed Weapons Pack dated 17 Oct 2004 found HERE and...game is running with it! On the other hand any Weapons Pack from 2006 can't be installed into my SFG. Very comic! :haha:


As for doubled weapondata.ini files there are two such files anyway: first in the WP's installed WEAPONS folder and second included in ObjetData.cat file.

Edited by Voyager

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Perhaps try install WP then patch or vice versa.


Sorry can't help further.


Good Luck

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Guest capun
I must tell you things are going funny enough! I installed Weapons Pack dated 17 Oct 2004 found HERE and...game is running with it! On the other hand any Weapons Pack from 2006 can't be installed into my SFG. Very comic! :haha:


As for doubled weapondata.ini files there are two such files anyway: first in the WP's installed WEAPONS folder and second included in ObjetData.cat file.


The reason most likely is that you have not patched up the SFG to the current SP4 + the patch. Which is is strange with the game's date which is the last patch date.


There was a change in the weapon file entries in SP4 (and I think in SP3 also), it required a new weapon editor and a new WeaponData.DAT file. This DAT file is not backwards compatible, neither are older DAT files created with older versions of the WeaponEditor compatible with SP4.


If it is running with the 10/2004 weapons pack, it almost looks like the game is patched to SP2 only. So why is this happening? It could be that you did not remove all of the files during the un-install. You need to have one Gundata.dat in the Objects folder and one WeaponData.dat in the objects/weapons folder.

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Guest capun






Read the instructions, I think it says to apply the SFP Service Pack first before the patch and then install the current DirectX Drive.


It also helps if you post details of your system like the Operating System, Graphics card and sound card at least. CPU and memory also helps

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Ugly s**t! You were right Mr. Capun but it is a quite strange story! I was bought SFG without SP4+V8.30.06 patch HOWEVER there is a "V.8.30.06" inscription displayed on the game's main screen! :shok:


So I patched my game (SP4+V8.30.06) as you wrote above regardless of its real "version" and now everything is OK! :victory:

Edited by Voyager

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