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Totally new models, tbh.


Here are some more shots of the C viggie:





Edited by Julhelm

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They look GREAT!! When and where will these " Fast Charlies" be ready for dwnld??




Edited by Bwf

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Well, I'm tweaking a few bits here and there and sorting out some bugs, and the C really needs a couple more skins than this Savage Sons one. I'm also toying with the idea of doing a block 2 RA-5 with the LERX wings as well as an A-5B with the tunnel bombbay from the A version (Yes, the A-5A model has a working linear bombbay ^_^).

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Looking might fine Julhelm!

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I've now made a Speartips skin and a Bats skin for it, and I've arranged for it to have a brand new virtual pit ^_^

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Hey hey Julhelm, your viggie's looking dam good. I apologise for my tardiness, just got back from a weeks holiday. A couple of skins you say? So far I've done 25 tails :wink:

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Hey hey Julhelm, your viggie's looking dam good. I apologise for my tardiness, just got back from a weeks holiday. A couple of skins you say? So far I've done 25 tails :wink:

Bloody brilliant mate! We'll have to sort them between which are early model C's and which are late model C's with teh LERX's (Yeah, I'm gonna do both versions :p).

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