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So, i figured this would be the best place to drop these questions.

I did it at Simhq, but i suppose the more the merrier right?

Anyways, i'm trying to do a Hellenic Air Force skin for the Harrier Gr.1 (It's the only one i found a template for).

Anyways, i've been practically pulling out hair.

It's way different from the templates i was used to making skins for the Il-2 series. (this is my first attempt at making a skin for strike fighters.)

Anyways, i was wondering if maybe someone had a more advanced template for the Gr.1 or Gr.3.

The one i have now has the panel lines and rivets, but they're very faint. Not to knock the template maker but it's kind of poor. Then again i tried it myself, so i can see how it would be frustrating.

As i was saying, the template has pretty much just the panel lines for the rivets and such, and the details are all on the skin. So, i may have to hand draw them. This will have to be a labor of love, but here's a thanks to anyone offering any advice.

Thanks guys!

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Yeah, making your own is prolly the best way to go, unfortunately, it's a total pain in the ass! Hopefully, someone out there may have their own and will share it but more often than not it'll be up to you. I'm in a similar boat making a generic Mitsubishi F-2 temp but it's taking me forever but once you get it finished, it's the hardest part over with...

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