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Help! My Korea mod carriers aren't working...

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Due to unforseen circumstances I've had to reinstall the Korea mod for SFP1. Unfortunately, now I can't get the carriers to work and I don't remember how I fixed it the last time.


Anyone want to take pity on my under-performing brain cells? :dntknw:

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When you find out, please let me know since I can't get mine to work either. Thanks in advance.

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There is a great sticky in the knowledge base to tell you how to get carriers.

If you have mission editor KMD use it to bring up Korea planning map 1.

It will show you coordinates off of Korea coast to place Carrier Stations.

I call them Task Force (whatever number you want).

Then just do like the sticky says.

You can also add Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan to Korea_Nations folder [ Theater ] Location00x=Yellow Sea Location00x=Sea of Japan

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When you find out, please let me know since I can't get mine to work either. Thanks in advance.


I got them all to work finally, I reinstalled SFP1, then patched only to 3.0


I did have to go in and adjust the campaign ini files to get the USS Kearsarge to work. Mostly it was making sure that the carriers are matched to the correct object directory/files. Sorry it's so vague, I found out by trial and error, and I didn't take notes while I was doing it.

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