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Siemens-Schuckert D.III Beta 1 Released for FS-WWI!

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The beautiful 3d model was done by Recon3 as well as the initial building and assembly. I was responsible for the dmg code, FM tuning, DM tuning, bug fixing and code optimizations. The skin was done by Recon3 and looks GREAT!! Of course it's 1024x1024 so be sure to set the texture size correctly in SDOE Options section. If your computer can't handle the hi-res tifs, then just change the option to a lower setting. The pilot is a slightly modified Dirk pilot with textures by Recon3.


YOU NEED THE LATEST FS-WWI PLANE PACK 4 ADD-ON TO USE THIS AIRCRAFT. Included are two stats.bmp files. One to work with the FS-WWI Themed GUI Patch and one to work with the regular Patch. By default the FS-WWI Themed Patch stats.bmp file is used. If the color is off and does not match the background, simply rename the current one in use in the Media\GUI\Art\Hangar\Germany\PfalzDXII folder to stats.old and then rename the stats2.bmp to stats.bmp




-DM includes fuel leaks, respectable engine DM, minor control surface DM and a damaged model with skin.


-Moving control stick, rudder peddles and throttle.


-Flare loadout for night flying


-Many more!




Press the X key to lean over the side for takeoffs and landings.

There are no damaged skins yet.


Installation: Unzip into the Fighter Squadron\Media folder with the 'Use folder names' option checked.


Download here: Siemens-Schuckert D.III Beta 1



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