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I've been looking around, and i noticed that nobody's made an SU-29 or SU-33. In my opinion they are one of the cooler looking models. I myself have no comp. skills, and could never create a working mod, but i've wondered why no-one else has. A mig-29 mod has been made that successfully uses thrust vectoring, and that same data could be used for the manuverability of the SU models. My question is, why not?

Edited by Jizm Pops

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Well, for starters, it's taking a while for the baseline Su-27 model to be released. But once it is released, you can count on there being a bunch of mods or variants being released afterwards. What you'll find here is that a lot of the modders are predominantly American or favour American aircraft. Still , there's a tonne of good stuff out there as well as in development but these guys have a lot on their plates in reality which has to take priority over their mod making. I sympathise because I can't wait for a Flanker. I love the Su-35/37 and believe it (technically) craps upon just about every other airframe out there in production at the moment (expect of course, the F-22 and EF2K) but that's just my personal opinion and taste IS subjective.


I think there's a photo on this thread here:



I can't remember.

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