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Strike Fighters WWII Europe Music Pack

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File Name: Strike Fighters WWII Europe Music Pack

File Submitter: allenjb42

File Submitted: 19 Sep 2005

File Category: SF Sound Mods


This music pack is intended, as the name suggests, for a WWII Europe installation and provides what I hope is appropriate menu music for your enhanced enjoyment of this great game.




If you want to keep the original music you need to backup the following files from your Strike Fighters/Menu folder:











All you need to do then is to extract the files in this pack to the Menu folder, load up the game and enjoy the music.


There are a couple of bonus tracks that never made my final cut, but you may like to use them. If so then rename them by deleting bonus from the name and then put them in the menu folder instead.


Track Listing:


MainScreen.wav - 'Main Title' from '633 Squadron'


SingleMissionScreen.wav - 'Final Mission' from 'Memphis Belle'


HangarRadio1.wav- 'Theme' from 'Battle of Britain'


HangarRadio1bonus.wav- 'Aces High March' from 'Battle of Britain' (you may prefer this if you mainly fly for the Luftwaffe)


DebriefSuccess.wav - 'Moonlight Serenade' by Glenn Miller (something to relax to after a hard mission as you consider going to the pub down the road from the base to chat up that pretty blonde barmaid.....)


DebriefFail.wav - 'Cooler and Mole' from 'The Great Escape' (It's got the familiar theme tune that you'll probably be whistling if you get shot down, but also has a more serious theme to reflect the fact you didn't make it home)


DebriefFailbonus.wav - Dialogue excerpt from 'The Great Escape' (you may think that this is good advice from the Commandant...)



DebriefKilled.wav - 'End Title' from '633 Squadron'


OptionsScreen - 'Main Title' from 'Mosquito Squadron'



All of the above tracks are free downloads from various record company websites in various formats and have been converted to the correct format for use in game by me. There are therefore no file sharing issues in respect of this music pack.







Click here to download this file

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