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Military questions

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I am 22 and I wanted to join the Army or Navy. But I have very bad eyesight in one eye 20/80 and in my right eye 20/20 with contacts. Would that hold me back from joining any force? I also have to take some medication that’s for depression how would this affect me when joining? And the final problem is my brother; He has a low felony on his record. Is there any way the military would seal this or even allow him to join? He wants to be in a Special ops team like Rangers, Delta, Ect.



Thank you to any one who answers me:)




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Your vision won't stop you from any branch, but I don't know anything about the medication. I have 20/150 correctable to 20/10, and I can be pilot qualified if I get PRK or LASIK.


For the AF, they don't allow anybody to enlist with more than two law violations in a single year. You'd have to go see a recruiter for the exact information.

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As long as your vision is correctable, you wont have a problem. As for the anti-depresants and your brother, SD is correct, you should see a recruiter. If there is a way to get you or your brother in, they will find it.

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