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Vietnam 1968 On... (Fictional)

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Vietnam 1968 On... (Fictional)

This is a modified campaign for Strike Fighters Project 1 using based on Gepard's original campaign from DRVv13. It uses the DRV terrain and various aircraft and carriers. THIS IS NOT HISTORICAL, IT IS MEANT ONLY TO BE FUN. You need:


-DRV terrain (preferably version 1.51)

-A-6A from http://www.column5.us/

-F-4B (stock)

-F-4C (stock)

-F-4D (stock)

-F-4J (stock)

-F-104G (stock)

-F-105F-1-Late from http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=968

-F-8E_GF from http://www.column5.us/

-Flyable MiG-17F, MiG-19S, and MiG-21MF (this can be done by adding a line in the MiG-***.ini as:

CockpitDataFile=F-100D_cockpit.ini or any other cockpit file).

-CV-59 Forrestal Class from http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/IronWorks.html (near the bottom)


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